“Thank you and God bless you and all the volunteers (security, sellers, greeters, ushers, promoters) that made John Michael's ministry effort so smooth. We truly felt at home in your parish. We also wish to deeply thank all those who donated. Your generosity is very much appreciated. We will keep your efforts in prayer. Please continue to pray for John Michael and his ministries and remember our retreat center/monastery is always open to you as your home away from home. Peace.
His Divine Healing, Peggy Lodewyks, BSCD
Ministry Coordinator for John Michael Talbot and
Manager, Little Portion Retreat Center”
171 Hummingbird Ln Eureka Springs, AR 72632-9527
(o) 479-253-7379
(c) 479-981-4660 [email protected] www.JohnMichaelTalbot.com [email protected]
www.littleportion.org http://www.facebook.com/johnmichaeltalbot