Banners The Church has a long tradition of expressing the holy in fabric. This custom continues as the liturgy continues to be beautified through creative designs in fabric hangings. Tapestries, banners, altar coverings, and vesture are some of the more familiar forms of expression of fabric art. Great care is needed in placing banners in the assembly so that people will not be distracted from the liturgical focal points and actions. They should have the freedom of design, color, and form that supports the liturgy. Their designs can often be created by members of the community who have the skills to sew well.
Flowers Flowers are symbolic of our joy in Christ and expressive of our thanksgiving for the gifts of creation. Their presence in the liturgical environment announces a spirit of celebration and the beauty of nature. Flowers, plants, and trees, therefore, are to be genuine. Their placement should never impede the approach to the altar or the flow of liturgical action. The whole worship space, not just the “sanctuary”, is to be considered for decoration. Any crowding or cluttering of the assembly area is, to be avoided.
Decorations are created to fit the seasons of the liturgical year, i.e. Advent, Lent, Holy Week, Triduum (Holy Thursday, Good Friday, Easter), Christmas and Christmas Season, Holy Days of Obligation, Special Feasts and Solemnities. Décor for these special times can be performed by members of the community who have the gift and skills of decorating.
For information or to join the Décor Committee or to help decorate Sacred Heart Church call Sacred Heart's Parish office at 337-364-4439